Slash! The thorny whips struck down on mortal flesh and snaked into the air again in a split second–with a chunk of human flesh cut off and splashes of blood thrown into the air. The man yelled, mortal pains choking his very soul, haze clouding his blooded vision. The helmeted men with vicious streaks continued hammering down and down on the chained man, cutting his flesh over and over again, his blood splashing and spraying on their murderous beings, forming a poodle of blood on the blood-stained ground. Weeping and lamenting filled the sad air, women and sympathetic men gathered about the vicious soldiers watching their inglorious soldiery on the good man already declared ‘Innocent of all charges’ bearded priests levied against him!
Satiated with their ghoulish appetite they unchained the unfortunate man, drenched in his blood, with tattered flesh torn nearly apiece by the thorny whips of the scourge of the mocking soldiers. The innocent man, writhing in unbearable agony, had his head crowned with a crown of thorns, forced down on him by the vicious Roman soldiers. His ordeal was not over, with a wooden cross on him that two men would struggle to carry, the soldiers led him away, hastening him with whipping and slaps.
The good Lord continued amid the vicious Roman soldiers who were propelling him, while hundreds of people thronged after them (some wailing while some jeering), bearing his cross for the iniquity of the world. He mustered courage, he must nail the sins of the world on the cross, on the hill of Golgotha. Women wept after him, but the good Lord would by no means curse the humans, his betrayed heart filled with sympathy for them. Half-turned he said to the women “Women, weep for yourselves and your children, for the day is coming when they will say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills hide us from the face of the one who sat on the throne.”
The lord continued with his cross to Golgotha at the hastening whips of the vicious soldiers, pity for the sinful world hitherto condemned to eternal death battering his betrayed heart. He said to himself, “Soon, very soon, I will pay for their forgiveness and their debt on the hill of Golgotha,” with this resolution, the lord hoisted the heavy wooden cross on him properly and increased his pace, carrying the Roman cross to the hill of Golgotha, where he would sacrifice his life for the atonement of sin. His blood must speak for mankind, louder than the blood of Abel.