The Great Day is drawing nigh, when the full wrath of the ALMIGHTY shall unleash on the unrepentant people, wicked. The earth itself is heralding the wrath of God through the fury of nature, sounding a warning of the coming of the Almighty to Judge the world of humans and pay everyone according to their labour. Revelation 22:12 says, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” The old earth is burning away, approaching the end faster than anyone can predict. God has been enduring the sin and evil of the world till the Great Day, when He shall take the seat of judgment. How terrible those days shall be, when heaven released the seven bowls of wrath of God Almighty on earth!
Christ is the way the truth and life, by him all things were made and only in Him will man dare hope for eternal heritage in the Kingdom of God. It is time we all reflect on our life in sober reflection and ask ourselves this question: “What would be my reward when God’s eternal judgment unleash?”
Samuel Akinola